Aloe Vera; Part 2

One thing I realised today, is that in my original Aloe Vera post, I never explained how to water them. Which, in my personal opinion, is one of the main reasons why anyone can take care of an Aloe. And that is the topic of this post.

Now to water an Aloe Vera, it is extremely simple. And I was surprised at how easy it is. I thought that they needed to be watered all the time, but I was so wrong.

When you first get your Aloe Vera, you probably should water it, and to do this, you drench the soil then, sit it in your bathtub, or sink, or even outside for a bit*, until all the access water has drained through, so when you put your Aloe Vera back in your in your house, it won’t be sitting in a pool of water. This is because Aloe Veras don’t like sitting in water, as it can rot the roots and eventually kill the plant. I have had this happen to another plant, as I was watering it quite a lot, and in knew nothing about plant care, so it’s no surprise that it died after a month of owning it. (R.I.P Planty)

*I recommend that you put your aloe outside if you can, so that you can give it a bit of sunlight to help it grow a little bit faster. Maybe don’t put it in direct sunlight, but more dappled light if you can, and don’t put it out if it is really cold.

To water your Aloe next, wait until all the soil is completely dry to water it again. You’ll also notice that your Aloes leaves will start to shrink as it is losing liquid, so that should be a clear indication to water it again. When it has enough water, the leaves of it will appear a lot more plump and full.

This concludes this post, and if there is anything else you’d like to know about Aloe Veras, please ask me and I’ll be happy to help and try to answer your questions.

Thank you for reading and I’ll talk to you in the next post!

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